Get index of each capture.
You want to match a regex like /(a.)(b)(c.)d/
with "aabccde", and get the following information back:
"aa" at index = 0
"b" at index = 2
"cc" at index = 3
But, it is difficult to write.
provide matchCaptureGroupAll
function that easy to get this information!
const text = "aabccde";
const regExp = /(a.)(b)(c.)d/;
const captureGroups = matchCaptureGroupAll(text, regExp);
assert.equal(captureGroups.length, 3);
const [a, b, c]= captureGroups;
assert.equal(a.text, "aa");
assert.equal(a.index, 0);
assert.equal(b.text, "b");
assert.equal(b.index, 2);
assert.equal(c.text, "cc");
assert.equal(c.index, 3);
npm install match-index
provide two functions
matchCaptureGroupAll(text, regExp): MatchCaptureGroup
Retrieves the captured matches when matching a string against a regular expression.
Example of matchCaptureGroupAll()
const captureGroups = matchCaptureGroupAll("ABC EFG", /(ABC).*?(EFG)/);
assert(captureGroups.length, 2);
const [x, y] = captureGroups;
assert.equal(x.text, "ABC");
assert.equal(x.index, 0);
assert.equal(y.text, "EFG");
assert.equal(y.index, 4);
use matchAll
in internal.
matchAll(text, regExp): MatchAllGroup
Retrieves the matches all when matching a string against a regular expression.
Example of matchAll()
const text = 'test1test2';
const regexp = /t(e)(st(\d?))/g;
const captureGroups = matchAll(text, regexp);
assert.equal(captureGroups.length, 2);
const [test1, test2] = captureGroups;
assert.equal(test1.index, 0);
assert.equal(test1.input, text);
assert.deepEqual(test1.all, ['test1', 'e', 'st1', '1']);
assert.deepEqual(test1.captureGroups, [
index: 1,
text: 'e'
}, {
index: 2,
text: 'st1'
}, {
index: -1,
text: '1'
assert.equal(test2.index, 5);
assert.equal(test2.input, text);
assert.deepEqual(test2.all, ['test2', 'e', 'st2', '2']);
assert.deepEqual(test2.captureGroups, [
index: 6,
text: 'e'
}, {
index: 7,
text: 'st2'
}, {
index: -1,
text: '2'
Limitation :warning:
and matchCaptureGroupAll
doesn't support nest capture.
e.g.) last captureGroups item's index
is wrong result.
is nest capture.
const text = 'test1test2';
const regexp = /t(e)(st(\d?))/g;
const captureGroups = matchAll(text, regexp);
assert.equal(captureGroups.length, 2);
const [test1, test2] = captureGroups;
assert.equal(test1.index, 0);
assert.equal(test1.input, text);
assert.deepEqual(test1.all, ['test1', 'e', 'st1', '1']);
assert.deepEqual(test1.captureGroups, [
index: 1,
text: 'e'
}, {
index: 2,
text: 'st1'
}, {
index: -1,
text: '1'
Welcome to pull request to fix this limitation :)
npm test
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D